Community Values

1/ "Give-First" Ethos

K-Bridge is a "Give-First" community. We believe the foundation of a flourishing community is its members' altruistic orientation. If you join K-Bridge with the attitude of "What's in it for me?", you'll probably find it of little value. Paradoxically, the more you give freely (without expectation), the more you'll receive.

2/ Abundance Mindset

The internet has dramatically changed what's possible. This is true on both sides: the good and the bad. My goal is for K-Bridge to unlock as much of the good while avoiding the bad. Because the digital age offers limitless opportunities - for idea generation, collaboration, and businesses - K-Bridge holds a mindset of abundance rather than a mindset of scarcity.

3/ Strength in Diversity

In recent years, I've learned just as much from teenagers tinkering online as I have from professional investors with decades of work experience. In a fast-moving world, it's never been more important to connect with and learn from people in all walks of life.

4/ Tolerance For Opposing Views

5/ Collaboration Over Competition

I'm a very competitive person by nature. I'm not proud of this but it's certainly played a role in what little "success" I've enjoyed so far. With that said, in my twenties, I realized viewing my peers as competitors was a dangerous game.

I learned two things: (i) Life's one big mind game and the only person you're competing against is yourself. (ii) The way to "win" is to play long term games with long term people. Help others win, and you'll win too. Collaboration trumps competition.

6/ Lead with Kindness

Mister Rogers (a childhood pastime of mine) once said, "There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind."

K-Bridge members lead with kindness.

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